Kumalu Bridge Crossing, Papua New Guinea

12d / 3D Point Clouds / Cadastral / Chartered Land Survey / Computer Aided Drafting / Coordinate Systems / DBX, HTML, XML, CSV ASCII Files / Drone / Drone Surveys / DTM / DXF, DWG, DGN / Education / Electronic Total Station / Engineering Surveying / EPG / Equipment / Geodetic Control / GNSS / Health and Safety for Survey Projects / Imagery / Local Skills Transfer and Capacity Building / Mapping / Papua New Guinea / Satellite Imagery / Software / TIF

Client: SMEC

Year: 2020

Aerial survey of Kumalu river valley of 256 hectares, with ground survey of three potential crossing points on the existing river and the establishment of permanent aerial control. Using drones, GNSS equipment and total stations to capture the three crossing points identified and the larger river valley for the hydrology.

Ultimately producing a full DTM with 0.25 metre contours tied to the local survey network (WGS84/UTM55). A point cloud of over 60 million points was filtered to ensure only ground points were issued to the client and ground checks using GNSS were run through the whole survey up into the mountains.