D5 - Mailita Road Network, Solomon Islands

Cadastral / Chartered Land Survey / Computer Aided Drafting / Coordinate Systems / DBX, HTML, XML, CSV ASCII Files / DTM / DXF, DWG, DGN / Engineering Surveying / Equipment / Geodetic Control / GNSS / Land Information System (LIS) / Land Legal / Localizations / Mapping / Pacific / Road Survey / Software / Solomon Islands

Client: SMEC

Year: 2020

To support improvement of the Malaita island (part of the Solomon Islands) road network through the resealing of 17 km of the Auki–north of Bina corridor, spot improvements to improve climate resilience, construction of three bridges, construction of the new Fiu Bridge, development of 4-year maintenance contract for periodic and routine maintenance and re-gravelling of unpaved
road sections.

Conducted a full topographic survey of the network and tied all data to the local system as well as liaised with the local surveyors to ensure seamless integration between surveys. Established control and produced a full DTM and drawings for design that incorporated all river crossings and existing Structures.